Children Volunteers are appeares in the newspaper!

Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Festival held on August 25th and 26th. Third graders from Suginami Ward Koenji Junior High School and sixth graders from Suginami Eighth Elementary School participated as volunteer staff at this festival. In the Yomiuri Shimbun on August 24th, an article introducing this news was posted!

What is Koenji ECO project?

The Koenji ECO project is about letting the world know what we are doing here in Koenji to protect the environment. It is managed by the “Koenji ECO Club Executive Committee,” which was launched by the 13 shopping districts that form the Koenji Shotengai Federation. In the “Awaodori Carbon Offsetting Project,” we are aiming to…

“The 62nd Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Festival” What an ECO Project can accomplish

In the Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Carbon Offsetting Project, the amount of CO2 reduced by converting the streetlights of several shopping districts into LED lights will be used to offset part of the CO2 emissions caused by this year’s festival. Everyone can do it! Small ECO actions Let’s use our own ECO bags instead of plastic…

Volunteer team

The Tokyo Koenji Awaodori Festival occurs at the end of the hot summer. This two day event, in which about one million people participate, would not be possible without the existence of a team of volunteers. By giving people directions and collecting garbage, we are able to interact with many different people, spectators and dancers,…

What is carbon offset?

“Carbon offsetting” is a way of trying to compensate for the CO2 that we cannot help emitting in our daily lives by doing things like investing in activities that help reduce emissions, in order to reduce as much as possible the CO2 that is thought to cause global warming. It has been actively taken up…