Koenji shotengai Information North area

North area of ​​Koenji is packed with distinctive restaurants!
You can enjoy meals at different restaurants every day.

Kitanakadori shoeikai

What kind of shopping district is Koenji Kitanakadori shoeikai?

Koenji Kitanakadori shoeikai
Of all the shopping districts in Koenji, this one has the most distinctive shops, and is overflowing with the feeling of handcrafts and nostalgia. Fun events such as the “Kitanaka Night Market” and the “Mabashi Bon-odori,” which is put on in cooperation with the local area, are also packed with people. There are many charming shopkeepers waiting for your visit. When the Awaodori Festival is held, each store also puts on its own unique project, so it is very exciting.

Graphing the Koenji Kitanakadori shoeikai is as follows

Planning to make street lights in shopping districts as LEDs is proceeding!

Number of LED lights/40
Time the LED lights are lit/17:15~6:00(12.75 hours)
Annual Amount of CO2 Reduction 18t
※ Investigation by carbon bank

Nakadori shoeikai

What kind of shopping district is Koenji Nakadori shoeikai?

Koenji Nakadori shoeikai chairman/Haruo Yabe
This shopping district not only has the most restaurants in Koenji, but the variety of restaurants is also rich. We are also putting effort into our homepage and shop introductory videos, so please come and enjoy shopping and eating at any shop you find interesting. During the period of Awaodori, we hold a special sale in our shopping district. The synergistic effect created by the festival and the sale makes for a lot of excitement.

Graphing the Koenji Nakadori shoeikai is as follows

Planning to make street lights in shopping districts as LEDs is proceeding!

Number of LED lights/84
Time the LED lights are lit/17:15~6:00(12.75 hours)
Annual Amount of CO2 Reduction 72t
※ Investigation by carbon bank

Koshindori shotengai

What kind of shopping district is Koenji Koshindori shotengai shinkokumiai?

Koenji Koshindori shotengai shinkokumiai president/Ichiro Nozaki
The origin of Koshindori is a Koshin-tower that was built over 300 years ago and which still stands today. The mascot character of this shopping district, “Monpie,” also gets its name from this Koshin-tower. The relationship between the shopkeepers is very good, and so we were able to come to an agreement back in 2011 to become the first shopping district in Koenji to switch to LED streetlights. This is an energetic shopping district that is usually quite busy.

Graphing the Koshindori shotengai is as follows

Planning to make street lights in shopping districts as LEDs is proceeding!

Number of LED lights/410
Time the LED lights are lit/17:15~6:00(12.75 hours)
Annual Amount of CO2 Reduction 238t
※ Investigation by carbon bank

Koenji Junjo shotengai

What kind of shopping district is Koenji Junjo shotengai?

Koenji Junjo shotengai
This is a convenient shopping district that helps support your needs for everyday life. Koenji Junjo Shotengai gets its nickname from a work by Nejime Shoichi that won the Naoki Literature Award. The big arch is also one of the symbols of Koenji. Recently, we have partnered with Iide City in Yamagata Prefecture to produce sake and rice, and we are also working to introduce free WiFi and to make our overnight accommodation multilingual.

Graphing the Koenji Junjo shotengai is as follows

Planning to make street lights in shopping districts as LEDs is proceeding!

Number of LED lights/488
Time the LED lights are lit/17:15~6:00(12.75 hours)
Annual Amount of CO2 Reduction 693t
※ Investigation by carbon bank

Azumadori shotenkai

What kind of shopping district is Koenji Azumadori shotenkai?

Koenji Azumadori shotenkai chairman/Ryosuke Yoshiyama
This shopping district extends to the east side of Koenji. There are many special events, like sales and lotteries, and there is also a permanent space where people can freely exchange books. This district is especially busy on holidays. On the days of the Awaodori festival, there is a sacred portable shrine carried by women, and also over-the-counter sales at every store, so it is very exciting. And for all those people who want to become musicians, why not visit the god of musical entertainment, “Iri-Benten-sama,” who is enshrined in this shopping district?

Graphing the Koenji Azumadori shotenkai is as follows

Planning to make street lights in shopping districts as LEDs is proceeding!

Number of LED lights/80
Time the LED lights are lit/17:15~6:00(12.75 hours)
Annual Amount of CO2 Reduction 239t
※ Investigation by carbon bank